Starship Log #5 (Prayer Letter no 5) 2023

Daily blessings: September and October have been no slower than usual for us. I had the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic, and Croatia to help a national pastor. We have had new visitors in church and acquaintances outside of church grow in interest and curiosity about our faith and this life of ours that they watch on display. We need God to do His work through us and pray that He will use us to reach the lost here. 
Past outreaches: A few days before school started here we organized a trip for our small group to the zoo. I think we had 22 of us in total, including our missionary friends from Mexico who stayed with us for a month. We all had a great day as we traveled by bus, car, and train to view the wonderful creations of God. Many of you asked how our friend day went, that we held in a park one Saturday evening. We advertised online as well as in person with flyers. Besides our regular church friends we had two other visitors come. One young man from Russia who I met in language school and the other was a muslim refugee man from Sudan. I had my guitar, we played some hymns and had snacks and some games for the kids. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and the fellowship and we look forward to hosting another one this coming spring.
Future outreaches: In February we plan to do a winter campaign in the north. This will be our first family conference. The families here are a disaster and most of them recognize that there are many problems in the home. Our goal is to host this conference and teach them that the solutions to a solid happy family can be found in the pages of the Bible and are rooted in the Creator of the home. After the conference we plan to have a few days of follow-up classes in hopes of seeing the interest in starting a local church group there. If you are a church interested in helping fund this conference and the material to go with it just let us know. Another future plan is to have an emotional sickness conference here as well. We recently traveled to the Czechia to witness one put on by a church from Oklahoma. We talked to them about having one with us here. They seemed excited so we will wait and see how the Lord works this out. We also have a ladies meeting, mens "European bbq" and a family day to the forest planned over the next couple of months.
Homeschool: In September my wife began homeschooling our children. The boys have enjoyed learning and we count it a blessing that the Lord has allowed us to be in a country where this is possible. It also has caught the attention of some of the people we know here. Many are intrigued about a mother teaching her own children and ask the question, "why?" It is a good opportunity to have a conversation about the Bible. We also have hired a college student named Djurdjica to teach Miloš and Nikola language twice a week. 
People: The Lord has blessed us with several new friends who visit us often in the church here. We still have our Russian family of seven that comes to be with us every other week. We have two Brazilian couples who enjoy our English service, our three native friends that meet us for local services, and a young lady from Russia who has joined us for a time, for how long only the Lord knows. Last week we had another visitor from the capital named Dima who seemed to enjoy the fresh truth of the Word as well. Please pray for the church here as God leads and grows us all. 
Starship Log #5 (Prayer Letter no 5) 2023
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