Starship Log #4 (Prayer Letter No 4) 2023

Bountiful blessings: We began July with a five-day trip to Croatia. We were able to take two Locals with us and celebrate the 4th of July with some wonderful missionary friends. We also had the exciting opportunity as a church to begin the support of our first foreign missionary, a native Croatian! Soon we will be taking the church group and children to the City zoo for a fun time together. We have our first “Friend Day in the Park” scheduled for September 16. Flyers are made and I am attempting to brush up on my limited guitar skills for this as well. Also coming up on Sept 30th I have been invited to give the Gospel during one of our Serbian friend’s wedding.
Russian Church: -Due to the war in Ukraine, we have unexpectedly been having more Russians attend church with us than Locals. They were rather shocked when they found out about the lack of biblical Baptist Churches here. So please for Sergei and Tatiana and their 7 children, and a young lady from northern Russia named Ekaterina.
Seekers and Church Family: As far as the locals God has given us, we have been blessed to have Lju and Alexandra who have undergone discipleship lessons, been reaffirmed of their salvation, and re-baptized here. They are a blessing and are a vital part of God’s work here. Also, we have several seekers meeting with us you can pray for. These are people interested but not ready for commitment to Christ. Please pray for Cvetko, Dragolub, and Samuel who is from Canada and studying medicine here. And Želko. Some of these come to Church and some I meet with regularly. Also, there is a small group in the south 4 hours away, who I would like to meet with more. Lastly, there is Stephan in Capital, a Christian striving for his own way of life.
Prayer requests: Please pray for all the legal things we keep navigating. In short, we had a hospital keep $1,800 from us for the birth of our daughter who was not born in the hospital. The attorney who helps us stay in here is asking the judge here for a refund. As foreigners it's easy to be deceived and taken advantage of. Please pray this money will be restored to us. 
Ministries: As always please pray for the Church here, for the translation ministries, for the media ministries, traveling, outreaches, and our winter campaign plans in the north.  We finished our meetings in the capitol a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to all who have helped in support and in special ways, for reaching out and fulfilling not only our needs but also our desires. God Bless you all.

Starship Log #4 (Prayer Letter No 4) 2023
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